Episode 16 | Illiterune

Orianuka – 103th day of Bäkkos, 5th year of the Vær, 101st Generation

Raka, Lyn and Malaki come across a small town and decide to get some fresh supplies. Will their encounter with the villagers go by smoother than in the last village?



RakaKessir Riliniki

LynCarollyn Monterola

MalakiEyþór Viðarsson

Ferryce – Ester Ellis

Seni – Jay Shurey

Bolga – Anika Kammerlander

Yora and Yakta – Tanja Milojevic (LightningBolt Theatre)

AurilTravis Vengroff

YoshaHem Brewster


Written and Dialogue Edited by Kessir Riliniki

Sounddesign by Sarah Buchynski

Music by Fuimadane


DISCLAIMER: The transcripts bellow are taken “as is” from the Production script. Sometimes Actors improvise lines during recording that feel better, or a change was made during dialogue editing to optimize the flow of the conversation. The bellow transcript does not reflect these changes and might therefore ocasionally not match the words said in the episodes.

Windshell activates.

Lyn:      Okay, can you… play scrabble with them?

Raka:     What is-

Lyn:      Uh-oh.

Raka:     What?

Lyn:      Windshell’s on.

Raka:     (consternation) Hm. There might be a spirits in or near the village ahead.

Lyn:      Are we going in to have a look around?

Raka:     Yes. It’s convenient, we need supplies anyway. We’ll look around, see if there’s anything unusual. And you need your own backpack and a new set of spare clothes.

Lyn:      A coat with long sleeves would be nice.

Raka:     Something in your SIZE would be nice! You ruined that vest completely!

Lyn:      Sorry about that…

Raka:     It’s tattered at the ends!

Lyn:      Hey, don’t blame me for being shorter than you. This might be a vest for you, it’s almost a cloak for me.

Raka:     (groans) You also need your own blanket.

Lyn:      What’s wrong with me sharing your bedroll or Malaki’s fur-thingy?

Malaki:   You STINK, that’s what’s wrong!

Lyn:      Give me a bathtub and I’ll stop stinking! I’ve never ONCE seen YOU bathe!

Malaki:   I put dirt on my scent glands when they smell.

Lyn:      Huh. Maybe I should try that. Hey Raka, are there spirits that eat body odor?

Raka:     Of course they are.

Lyn:      Can we get one of those for me? Like a pet I mean.

Malaki:   (sly) You’ll attract one. It’s a matter of time

Raka:     (annoyed) Spirits aren’t pets. Just wash yourself once in a while and you’ll be just fine.

Lyn:      Why aren’t they, though? You use stuff like the heat- and watersphere in everyday stuff, why not have spirits to take care of such things?

Raka:     Because nature spirits aren’t meant to deal with mortals.

Lyn:      Why not, though?

Raka:     (groans) Must you really ask so many questions?

Lyn:      How else am I supposed to learn more about your world?!

Ferryce:  She has a point, Raka.

Raka:     Yeees, yes, I know. (sighs) It’s just… We’ve been travelling for… almost a week now, I’d expect her to slowly get accustomed to-

Lyn:      You’re not doing a very good job at explaining things, you know.

Ferryce:  Allow me to elaborate, little human. Fyn’eshävær (fin eshe-veyr), the smaller nature Vær, are spirits that deal with the natural world and make sure it functions and mortals can live in it.

Lyn:      Like the life-support systems on space stations?

Ferryce:  Hmm… I see the images in your head, but I don’t know what that is you’re thinking about…

Lyn:      I’ll just take it as a yes.

Ferryce:  If they had to deal with mortals on the side, that would distract them from their main task. That is why they are not supposed to deal with mortals.

Lyn:      Thanks, Ferryce. Wait, does this already count as that one question we can ask you each day?

Ferryce:  (chuckles) Of course not. My Oathbond is with Raka, not with you. And that is hardly Væron-Knowledge.

Raka:     (groans) Well now that THAT’S out of the way, we should get to the village and see if they have a spirit affecting them.

Malaki:   I won’t go in the village.

Raka:     Why not?

Malaki:   (baffled) I’m a Skurki!

Raka:     (bewildered at her slip) Oh. Right. Of course.

Lyn:      Wait, did you forget about that? You do remember I’m a human, right?

Raka:     (defensive) I just didn’t think of that being an issue.

Malaki:   You saw what villages in the Kyrja think of Skurka. I should stay out off them, if I can avoid it. You look for Vær. I will go around it. Wait for you on the other side. (sly) Try to find the Vær before you.

Raka:     No. Not happening. I’ve let you look for spirits before, and you-

Malaki:   I will wait, if I find one. They are YOUR prey. No longer mine.

Raka:     (weary but not annoyed) … I don’t trust you to wait.

Malaki:   I want to find Azeri. That is more important to me than hunt Vær. Think on that.

Ferryce:  Very wise move.

Raka:     (groans) Fine. Make sure no one sees you. Small villages don’t take well to outsiders hunting in their forests.

Malaki:   I know.

Raka:     Right, then let’s go. (calling out, like an afterthought) Oh, you better be waiting on the other side when we get back out!

Malaki:   (calling back) I will.

Ferryce:  You’re doing well.

Raka:     What do you mean?

Ferryce:  You gave him a chance to prove himself. I like that.

Lyn:      Hey, High-five, Ferryce, I noticed that too.

Ferryce:  Yes… High-five indeed.

Raka:     (sighs) I suppose… What he said last night made a difference.

Lyn:      See, I told you it would. By the way… (secretive) Do you know what that word he said meant? I kinda… didn’t get a chance to ask last night, it seemed like a touchy subject.

Raka:     What word?

Lyn:      That what he called Azeri… Vaneer aurkee? You seemed to know what it meant.

Raka:     Ah. Vannir aurki. It means… “like my other horn”, if I’m not mistaken.

Lyn:      Like his other horn?

Raka:     I’m… not too versed in thæanæan jargon, but I assume it means mate.

Lyn:      Pack-mate, or…

Raka:     I don’t know. Could be pack-mate. Could be his partner. Doesn’t really make a difference to me. That’s his business, not mine.

Lyn:      Oooh. That makes sense.

Raka:     (sighs, then after a pause) I wonder if we can get in there without…

Lyn:      Without the villagers being racist assholes again?

Raka:     Yes. I don’t have anything to cover you with.

Lyn:      If all else fails, tell them I’m your adopted kid or something. Or your apprentice.

Raka:     Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.

Lyn:      Is that the village up ahead? It’s not very big. They don’t even have a wall barrier thing.

Raka:     Indeed, that’s… strange… It seems negligent for villages this far up the Skundr not to have any kind of protection, if they fear Skur-raids like the past few villages we came through.

Lyn:      Maybe Skurki don’t come here?

Raka:     Or the village isn’t very old yet and they were lucky that no Skur-pack came down here yet.
Seni: (calling out) Fæhu (fey-HOO)! Are you pilgrims?

Raka:     (hesistant, then calling back) Fæhu. (to Lyn) Let me handle this.

Lyn:      Wouldn’t have it any other way.
Seni: (calling out) Great weather for a stroll, isn’t it?

Raka:     (calling out) We… We can’t complain. Sah, can you tell us if anyone in the village can sell us supplies?
Seni: (not understanding) What? Hold on. (closer) I’m an old Ferol with bad ears, boy, you need to speak up.

Lyn:      And bad eyes, apparently.

Raka:     Shh. Apologies, we should’ve been the ones to come closer to you.

Seni:     I have old ears, boy, not old bones. My, you are a fetching young lad, aren’t ya? What was it you asked?

Raka:     We are hoping to buy supplies. Do you know if anyone in the village can sell us anything?

Seni:     I don’t know… you’ll have to ask Karkva, or… or Bolga. There’s not a whole lot we have left, I think those two might still have some spares they can sell ya.

Raka:     Did something happen?

Seni:     No, no, not much. There were a few traders that came here a week or so ago. They purchased many of our goods and supplies, we barely have anything left. Didn’t give us a whole lot in return, but well, what can you do?

Lyn:      You- you could’ve declined the trade, right?

Seni:     Could we, though?

Lyn:      Didn’t you have a choice?

Raka:     Were they threatening you?

Seni:     Oh no, they were noble merchants. Traders from down west.

Raka:     West… From Aureolyn?

Seni:     Possibly. We didn’t ask where exactly they came from. They bought all our furs and leather, and more than half of our food supplies with good money. You can’t ask such good and honest people too many questions.

Raka:     I don’t understand a whole lot about trading, but it sounds like you were in the better position in this. Didn’t they pay you an appropriate price for your goods?

Seni:     Well, we asked for a number of coins and they gave them to us without much complaint, but it turned out that their currency was… rather unusual. We hadn’t seen their coins before and the other villages we usually trade with won’t take em.

Raka:     Do you have some of the coins, can I see them? We use many different currencies where I come from. I might be able to identify yours.

Seni:     Sure, for what that’s worth. I have a few on me, hold on- Ah, here. These are what they gave us.

Raka:     THIS is what they gave you?

Seni:     Yes. Recognize it?

Raka:     I do not. And frankly, I can see why the other villages would not want to trade for these.

Seni:     How so?

Raka:     How so?! These are gilded wooden coins, didn’t you notice that?

Seni:     Gilded wooden coins?

Lyn:      Wood coins! The original Paper money! Hey, how much are those worth?

Raka:     (exasperated) Lyn!

Lyn:      What? How would I know what your hipster money is made from?

Seni:     Yes, what is their value?

Raka:     Nothing! No one makes money from wood!

Lyn:      Humans used to.

Raka:     You were scammed.

Seni:     Scammed? But they were good merchants!

Raka:     They gave you fake money. You practically gave your goods away for free. The only thing that might still be worth something is the gilding.

Seni:     Oh… How much would you give us in exchange for those coins?

Raka:     (frustrated) Nothing! These are trash!

Seni:     Now you listen here, young lad. You can’t just come to our village and tell us our coins aren’t worth anything!

Raka:     (groans) Did others in this village make a trade with those merchants?

Seni:     Everyone did. Thought we were getting a good deal. Even been using the coins among ourselves, while we tried to figure their value.

Lyn:      To be fair, money is only worth as much as everyone using it agrees on.

Raka:     (taken aback by Lyns sudden smartness) I… that might be true, but that doesn’t change that they were tricked. Who in this village is the most likely to still have supplies we can barter for?

Seni:     I don’t think many of us have much left, if anyone does, that would be Bolga. Lives in that first cottage on the left over there, with the Kaduro patch.

Raka:     Kaduro? Does this Bolga by any chance make clothes?

Seni:     Yes, Bolga is a weaver, one of her men is a tailor.

Raka:     Great. We need a few tailored items. I will go speak to her.

Seni:     Right, right, take care, boy.

Raka:     Take care. Come, Lyn.

Lyn:      Why did he keep calling you ‘boy’?

Raka:     Maybe his eyes are bad.

Lyn:      And that didn’t bother you?

Raka:     (indifferent) Why would it? It’s not something he can do anything about.

Lyn:      No, I mean, you could’ve kindly corrected him.

Raka:     It doesn’t matter what he thinks I am. I know what I am.

Lyn:      Well, you always go up in flame as soon as someone mentions your fur color.

Raka:     I don’t understand what that has to do with him calling me boy.

Lyn:      Well… maybe you should take that indifference and apply it to the whole fur-color issue. As you say, you know what you are. Don’t let others define it for you. Show them through your action who and what you are. They’ll get the message eventually.

Raka:     (sighs) I’m not sure you know how our society works.

Lyn:      At the very least it’d be one less issue to grind on your already thin-stretched nerves. Also, what’s this ‘Kaduro’ you spoke of earlier?

Raka:     Those plants that grow in the patch, see?

Lyn:      The pink leeks?

Raka:     The pink- yes.

Lyn:      You can make clothes out of those?

Raka:     So I’ve heard. I’ve never had Kaduro-fabric clothes myself. Well anyway, let me handle this.

Lyn:      (muttering) You’re the boss.

Bolga:    Yes? Who are you?

Raka:     Fæhu, my name is Raka. Are you Bolga?

Bolga:    I am.

Raka:     One of the other villagers directed me to your house, told me you might have supplies and clothes I could purchase?

Bolga:    Forget it, I ain’t sellin’ no more to travelling traders.

Raka:     I’m not a trader, I’m a… a patcher. My companion and I are trying to get across the Skundr, but we realized her clothes aren’t sufficient-

Bolga:    Who sent ya? Krakva? Yoktu?

Raka:     I didn’t ask for his name, an elder Ferol with pale hair and fur… had a nick in his left ear?

Bolga:    Ah, old Seni. He should know we don’t have anymore spares for outsiders.

Raka:     He told us what happened. With the merchants.

Bolga:    Yer a trader yerself, aren’t ya?

Raka:     No, I am a patcher.

Bolga:    Patcher, Trader, isn’t it all the same?

Raka:     Not quite. I… fix things… that are broken.

Bolga:    See? You sell goods or service on your travels. Same thing.

Raka:     The things that I fix are on the Aetherweb, if you know what that is. I deal with supernatural abnormalities, spirits and the likes.

Bolga:    You wouldn’t by any chance be interested in trading the coins we got for yer money?

Raka:     Afraid not.

Bolga:    (sighs) Well alright. Come in.

Lyn:      Oooh nice and warm!

Raka:     Stick to the right. There’s an open fire on the-

Lyn:      WOA! Shit-

Raka:     (sighs) You shouldn’t have looked directly into it!

Lyn:      If you tell me there is something on my left, then of course I will look there!

Bolga:    (scoffs) You’re not dressed very well for end of Bäkkos (Bek-kos). You don’t even have fur, eh?

Lyn:      Er… Nope, my… “Rontar” doesn’t have fur.

Bolga:    I see why ya need clothes.

Raka:     Seni told us your household makes clothes?

Bolga:    Yea, from Kaduro Fiber… Look on that rack over there, see if any of those fit ya… Yer quite small, aren’t ya?
Lyn: You think you got something in my size?

Bolga:    Look on the lower shelves, there’s some smaller sized tunics there. What else do ya need?

Raka:     Any lasting provisions you could spare.

Bolga:    I… guess we can spare some Kaduro for ya-

Raka:     Only if you can spare some.

Bolga:    We’ll have to sow new ones anyway. After what happened, two or three won’t make a difference.

Raka:     (consternation) You plan on sowing new shoots? It’s… what, the 97th day of Bäkkos?

Bolga:    101st if I’m not msiatken.
Lyn: Wow, 101 days? How long are your months?!

Bolga:    Well, what does the day of Bäkkos matter?

Raka:     If you sow them now they won’t survive the winter! You will lose your crop.

Bolga:    You city-folk know nothin ‘bout homesteading, yet yer tellin’ me how to do it?

Raka:     Apologies, I didn’t mean to upset you.
Lyn: I think this one might fit. What do you think, Raka? Does it look good on me?

Raka:     It doesn’t need to look good, it just needs to keep you warm.
Lyn: You’re a joy to shop with.

Bolga:    Well, here’s yer Kaduro. Can you pay for these and the clothes?

Raka:     Ah, certainly-

Bolga:    Let’s see yer coins then. Don’t want to get scammed by merchants like you again.

Raka:     Again, I’m not a merchant!

Bolga:    Oh yer not? (confused) Huh. Alright then.

Raka:     Do you take Siya and Hagala?

Bolga:    Ah, certainly. Did you need anything else?

Raka:     A blanket or fur and a backpack, if you have any.

Bolga:    (suspicious) Furs, eh? Who told you about our furs?

Raka:     Huh?

Bolga:    Those merchants that bought our stocks last week also asked for our furs. How’d they know we even had any? We certainly didn’t tell anyone!

Raka:     You are a small village that lives off of harvested goods, from the size of it just enough to feed yourselves, not enough to raise stock animals. I assume you need to hunt-

Bolga:    Out with ya! If yer one of those merchant scums that are trying to scam us again, I’m not havin’ any more of that!

Lyn:      Woa!

Raka:     We’re not-

Bolga:    Out!

Lyn:      Wait, what about the- She ripped that tunic right out of my hands. That woman was furious! What was that all about?

Raka:     (growling) Gah, what is WRONG with these people?! Are they all dumb?!

Lyn:      Yea, they seemed dumb even for my standards!

Raka:     Which isn’t setting the bar very high…

Ferryce:  That was unnecessary.

Lyn:      Hey, I know I don’t meet your smartness standards, but that’s just rude.

Raka:     You just ask so many dumb questions!

Lyn:      Nowhere near as dumb as those two we just met.

Raka:     True.

Ferryce:  You shouldn’t shine your light under the bushes, little human. You are far smarter than you let on.

Lyn:      Thank you! At last, someone realizes my true potential!

Raka:     At least you have common sense.

Lyn:      I wish we could at least have had a chance to buy that tunic, it looked thick and warm.

Raka:     I mean, Wooden coins? Sowing at the end of autumn?! And is it just me or did nothing I told them really stick?

Yora:     Frustrating, isn’t it?

Raka:     Yes! (confused) Wait, who are you?

Yora:     Yora. Sorry, I heard most of what was said inside. The cottages let a lot of sound through. You need supplies?

Raka:     If you know someone who will sell us anything and-

Yora:     You said you fix strange things, right?

Raka:     I… do, if it is within my line of work.

Yora:     We might have a problem you could fix. Come, I will take you to see someone. If you can help us, we will give you the things you ask for.

Raka:     Alright, I’ll see what I can do. Who are we meeting?

Yora:     The smartest person in the village, apparently.

Raka:     (mocking praise) Finally, a smart person to talk to!

Lyn:      Rude!

Yora:     Beautiful feathers, by the way.

Raka:     (uncertain) Um… thanks. You seem to have some level of insight on the situation-

Yora:     Shh. In here.

Lyn:      (slightly shivering) Aww thank stuff. It’s a bit warmer in here.

Yora:     She is holding a sermon right now. Should be done any moment. We’ll talk to her when the people left.

Yakta:     And before you go remember the words of Nesthar the Wise:

The flame sets floral life ablaze,
devours plants in man’fold ways.
It kills all forests in its path
Burns tree by tree in vengeful wrath.
Halts not from groves,
in bosks flames spread,
And is arboreal’s most fear’d dread.
Why should the wood from flame recoil –
Does not the ash nourish it’s soil?
Don’t offshoots fresh from ember rise,
Does death not sprout life, in your eyes?

Lyn:      (hushed) What was that all about?

Ferryce:  Vær knowledge…

Raka:     (hushed) Wasn’t that from the equilibrium?

Lyn:      (hushed) Isn’t that the poem Malaki keeps reciting from?

Ferryce:  Of course. But think for a moment. How does she KNOW the contents of the equilibrium?

Raka:     (hushed) She just recited the poem, she probably read it and learned it by heart.

Lyn:      (hushed) Malaki said he taught himself to read and read that poem.

Ferryce:  After all you have seen of this village, do you truly believe anyone here can read, or knows the value of books?

Raka:     (pondering) Oral tradition?

Ferryce:  The equilibrium is a scholar’s work, philosophical in nature. Backwater places like these would tell of adventures of one of their own, not a tale of enlightenment.

Raka:     (muttering) I see your point…

Yora:     (hushed) Wh- who are you speaking to?

Raka:     (hushed) Oh, my apologies… There is a… a spirit. In this gem on my forehead. They speaks with us sometimes.

Ferryce:  Fæhu, Yora.

Yora:     (baffled, yet keeping her tone low) Fey… fey-hu, Spirit.
Yakta: (calling out) Yora, is that you?

Yora:     (calling out) Y-yes, Yakta!
Yakta: (calling out) What are you doing back there?

Yora:     (calling out) I… I brought someone. Travelers!
Yakta: (calling out) Well, don’t just let them stand there, bring them in!

Yakta:     (normal volume) It’s much warmer in here than outside.

Lyn:      Oh man, it certainly is.

Yora:     This is my sister Yakta. Yakta, these are… (uncomfortable) I’m sorry, I don’t think I got your names.

Raka:     I am Raka, this is Lyn. We are travelers.

Yakta:     I see… Yora, what did you bring them here for?

Yora:     (uncomfortable) They seemed to be… um… Looking for something… (strugging to remember) someone… I think they were looking for Bolga… I’m sorry I forgot.

Lyn:      Wait what?

Raka:     (short pause, composing herself) Yora asked us for help. She overheard me tell Bolga that I am a patcher… that means my work is to fix the… the aetherweb, and strange phenomenon’s that happen due to problems on it.

Yakta:     I see. Come. Sit with me. Let us talk.

Yora:     Anything for our guests?

Yakta:     Tea, Yora.

Lyn:      Aww yes, I could use something to warm me up!

Yakta:     And some of our sire’s pie, if you can remember it.

Yora:     I will try. Tea and pie… tea and pie…

Yakta:     (sighs) You have to excuse her. She hasn’t been herself lately… Neither has anyone else in this village.

Raka:     What happened?

Yakta:     I… (defeated) I don’t know. Do you think this is something you can help us with?

Raka:     That depends on the circumstances. It might be, but I need to know more.

Yakta:     (with a reassured smile) I used to be like them. Dumb. Forgetful. People used to call me air-head, idiot, imbecile. Told me my stupidity would be the death of me.
Then a while ago, it suddenly changed. I suddenly started to… (uncertain) to KNOW things. Very strange things, even. At first I thought what I knew was the folk sayings I’ve heard the farmers ramble on about. I thought their words finally stuck. Things like how to treat to the crops, where to find certain plants. But then… I realized I knew other things too, things I couldn’t have learned from anyone. Like where to find mushrooms I had never seen before, how to get to places I have never been to or what the weather would be like in three days.
At the same time, the other villagers seemed to… They started forgetting things. They started harvesting unripe crops, water the plants after or even during the rain… one time, someone let their Aurryce graze on the patch we grow wheat on!

Raka:     That sounds… frustrating.

Yakta:     (sigh) You have no idea. I’ve been trying to talk people out of doing stupid things like that… But I was met with ignorance by most. Many still see me as the dumb girl I used to be. Not all of them, obviously. Some think of me as an oracle. Those still come here every day to listen to my words.
Yora: Yakta, I made myself some tea and wondered if you wanted to share some- Oh, we have guests? You should’ve told me, I would’ve brought more cups!

Yakta:     (sighs) It’s alright, Yora. At least you remembered the pie. Come, sit with me and my guests. Let’s eat together.

Yora:     Should I bring some more cups?

Yakta:     There are a few in that cupboard over there.

Yora:     I’ll get them. How many do we need?

Yakta:     Two more.

Raka:     (muttering to Lyn) Are you seeing any spirits around?

Lyn:      (considering) Hm, no.

Raka:     (muttering) Or anything else that seems strange?

Lyn:      (whispering) Nothing unusual. Do you think we’re dealing with one spirit or a hoard of them?

Raka:     (whispering) I’m not sure. I haven’t dealt with spirits like this in particular.

Yakta:     What do you think, Patcher. Is this something you could help us with?

Raka:     Maybe. I need to know a few more things.

Yakta:     I’ll gladly answer anything if it would bring things back to normal…

Raka:     Even if that would mean you’d be back to being the way you were before?

Lyn:      Thanks! (grabs the cup and smells the hot tea) Aaaah, this smells great.

Yakta:     It’s… a small sacrifice. I’d rather be the dumb one in a town full of smart people, than continue teaching them knowledge that is in my head, day after day just to see it forgotten the very next morning.

Raka:     (sympathetic) I can understand that. Why do you do that, by the way? Preaching to them and reciting knowledge, I mean.

Yakta:     Like I said, some of them think of me as an oracle. And… deep down I still hope some of my words will stick. As I said I was like they are now, most of my life. When this started and the first knowledge stuck with me… that was an amazing experience to me. I felt like I finally understood the world around me a little bit better. I am hoping that some knowledge will stick with them eventually, and… maybe shake them awake, bring them back to the way they used to be.

Raka:     Hm… That sounds reasonable.
Yora: Here’s a slice for our guest…

Lyn:      Yay, pie! Itadakimasu!
Yora: And another slice for you…

Raka:     Thank you.

Yora:     Please enjoy the Pie – our Sire made it this morning.

Lyn:      Oh I’m enjoying this! Hmmm~ What is this, fruits AND vegetables?

Raka:     (slightly disgusted) Fruit and… Is that a common thing in this region?

Yakta:     (sighs, defeated) No. Since this started, our sire occasionally forgets the ingredients of his recipes. So he… just throws in whatever is at hand.

Lyn:      I’m loving this! Seriously Raka, you should try it, it’s like a strawberry-leek quiche!

Raka:     (frowning) I might pass, thanks. Yakta, did anything you told the other villagers ever stick?

Yakta:     No… they forget everything by the very next day.

Raka:     What about that knowledge in your head. How does that happen, do you just remember things out of nowhere?

Yakta:     It comes to me very spontaneously. Sometimes I contemplate things- the shape of a cloud for example, and suddenly I realize that it will rain tomorrow or three weeks from now, or that this cloud came from the coast in the west and has passed over the city of Aureolyn, a city I haven’t heard of before. Or I see a fresh cut log, about to be thrown into the fire, and realize that the meadow it grew in is the perfect place to gather Omyo-berries. And I know exactly WHERE it grew, without knowing where it was cut down. And I remember that the tree has seen a small Ferol settlement grow when it was but a scion, then watched it fall to ruin 100 years later. And I don’t know WHY I know these things.

Lyn:      Now THAT sounds like Væron Knowledge to me, doesn’t it?

Ferryce:  Not Væron knowledge. VÆR knowledge.

Lyn:      (shrugs) Not like I would know the difference.

Yakta:     Ah… that voice… Ferryce, Væron of Leaf and Stone, from the lower parts of the Skundr, right?

Ferryce:  Indeed. Fæhu, Yakta.

Yakta:     Fey-hu, Veyron.

Yora:     Fey-hu.

Ferryce:  Please. Call me Ferryce.

Raka:     Was that… Knowledge that just came to you?

Yakta:     Yes. I just realized who they were.

Raka:     Ferryce, do you know anything about this situation that could help us?

Ferryce:  You know, Raka, I’m here for sightseeing, not helping you do YOUR job better. Sure, you can ask me one question for Væron-knowledge per day, but you might want to save my involvement in your affairs for times when it really matters.

Raka:     (sighs) Of course. Alright. Lyn?

Lyn:      (mouth full of pie) Hm?

Raka:     (helpless sigh) Have you had any glimpses of spirits in the past few moments?

Lyn:      (gulping the pie down hard) Nothing. Not even mist or changing runes. Just the… what did you call them, Runeballs? The ones inside peoples chests?

Raka:     Runeclusters.

Lyn:      Yea, those.

Raka:     See anything odd on those?

Lyn:      Like what?

Raka:     Any small differences between theirs, maybe? (pointing at the sisters)

Lyn:      They’re tightly packed balls of runes, Raka. It’s really hard to see individual runes in them. Even IF something was off on them, I wouldn’t be able figure out what!

Raka:     (frowning) You can read them, can’t you?

Lyn:      Dude, i’m Illiterune! Come on, Raka, you know that!

Raka:     Oh, right… Of course. Hm… I need to think on this a bit…

Yakta:     Take your time. And please, do take from the pie.

Yora:     Our sire made plenty.

Raka:     (muttering) Thanks…

Lyn:      Don’t mind if I do!

Raka:     We might have to go find Malaki.

Lyn:      What? Already?

Raka:     You can’t read the runeclusters, maybe he can. Or he might’ve found traces of spirits in the forest.

Lyn:      Oh, can we bring him a piece of pie? I’m sure he’ll enjoy it!

Raka:     Sure… He can have my piece.

Yora:     A friend of yours?

Lyn:      Yea, he’s waiting for us outside the village.

Yora:     Why didn’t you bring him here with you?

Raka:     He… doesn’t like being around people. Anyway, let’s go Lyn.

Lyn:      Yea hold on, let me pack up your piece of pie for him.

Yora:     Will you be back for dinner? Our sire is cooking stew tonight.

Raka:     Sure… We will get our… friend first.
Yakta: You can bring him with you. We can eat in this barn if he doesn’t like company.

Raka:     I’ll let him know.

Yora:     Ah… you lost a feather.

Raka:     Sorry about that. It happens occasionally…

Yora:     Can I keep it?

Raka:     (uncertain) Sure…

Yakta:     (scolding) Yora!

Yora:     Sorry! It’s just such a pretty color. It reminds me of tea-leafs…

Yakta:     Anyway, Wakas andaïl anïr. (wa-KAS uhn-DUIL uh-NEER, seek contentment in life)

Raka:     Thanks… Wakas andaïl anïr.

Lyn:      Wait up, bro! Geez, what got you in such a hurry to get out of there?

Raka:     I’m afraid if we spend TOO much time with these people, whatever affects them might start affecting us as well. I’d like to avoid that, so we have to solve this as quickly as possible.

Ferryce:  That would be a prudent course of action.

Raka:     Whatever is causing this apparently targets those with higher intellect and feeds on their knowledge, whereas for people with lower intellect it fills them with knowledge.

Lyn:      So what, you’re afraid that it will make you dumb and me smart?

Raka:     (sighs) Look, you do say smart things sometimes.

Lyn:      Wow. Thanks, bro! Back at ya. Anyway, so I was wondering, you keep asking me or Malaki to help you be your eyes. If you were on your own, as you would originally have been if you hadn’t run into us, how would you be solving this problem on your own?

Raka:     I have ways.

Lyn:      Effective ways? Because right now it just seems like you’re relying on both of us a fair deal.

Raka:     (sighs) Yes, I have effective ways, but they’re time consuming. They involve contemplation, carefully constructed circles and meditation. None of which we have time for. So I’m taking a shortcut.

Lyn:      Right, I get that…

Raka:     Hm, hold on. Let’s see if we’re still within reach of the apparent source.

Lyn:      With the wind-(shell?)

Windshell deactivates.

Yosha:    Did… did Raka sound a bit nervous to you as well?

Auril:    Raka? Nervous? (considering) Not particularly.

Yosha:    Are you sure? I felt like she… she almost sounded frightened.

Auril:    (laughing) Frightened? You’re imagining things. She tends to work efficiently, I think she was just hurrying things along. I mean, she usually patches holes very quickly, but today is… Let’s see… Ah- The 9th day of her travel. She usually gets the tangleweave fixed around the 10th to 12th day, but this one seems to be taking her a bit longer.

Yosha:    Ferryce did mention this is a very large tangleweave.

Auril:    (agreeding) They did. The biggest one she’s had to deal with so far.

Yosha:    Do you think she’s nervous about what happened last night on the bridge?

Auril:    As I said, I don’t think she was nervous.

Yosha:    Then what do you think that thing at the bridge yesterday was about?

Auril:    Well, I wouldn’t know… She doesn’t exactly talk about these kinds of things. Not with me anyway.

Yosha:    (muttering to herself in realization) She lacks trust… (sighs) Oh Raka…

Auril:    At any rate, it seems there’s another enchantment in progress, so let’s wrap the references for this one up. Perhaps things will clear up soon.

Yosha:    I hope so…

Auril:    Do you have time for another?

Yosha:    (distracted) Hm? Oh- Yes, I left my evenings open so I could come here and help you with these.

Auril:    Oh. That’s commendable. I appreciate the dedication.

Yosha:    (shy laughter)(awkward) Anyway- references. I’m ready.

Auril:    Alright- Date of recording was Orianuka (o-REE-nook-ah) on the 103rd day of Bäkkos (BEK-kos), 5th year of the Vær (Veyr) in the 101st generation.
Vocal enchantments were woven by Kessir Riliniki, Eyþór Viðarsson, Carollyn Monterola, Ester Ellis, Jay Shurey, Anika Kammerlander, Tanja Milojevic, Hem Cleveland and Travis Vengroff.
Music-Shells provided by Fuimadane.
Audio-Enhancements by Sarah Buchynski.
Written and Produced by Kessir Riliniki.

Yosha:    (muttering the last words of the dictation under her breath, then muttering to herself) I wonder if I could offer her some counseling when she’s back…

Auril:    Counseling? For what?

Yosha:    (snapping out) Oh- For her issues. It feels like there are things bothering her and I feel like she might need some help working through them. You know, I study the aetherweb from the perspective of the interconnectedness of people’s emotional states. I only dip into Akasara Raka’s lectures now and then when subjects overlap… But overall, I’m training to counsel people.

Auril:    Ah. Well in that case, I’ll let you be the judge of whether or not Raka needs counseling. You might be a better judge on that matter than me.

Yosha:    I just hope she will allow me to be that for her…

Auril:    Anyway let’s listen to the next enchantment.


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